What Part of the Breast Hurts in Early Pregnancy? [Causes & FIX]

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Early pregnancy can cause a lot of changes in a woman’s body, like pain and tenderness in the breasts. When a woman is first pregnant, she may wonder what part of her breast hurts and why.

During these first few weeks, the nipples are especially sensitive for many women. They can be so soft that it hurts to dry off after a shower or put on a bra (so feel free to go braless!). Extreme nipple sensitivity, on the other hand, usually goes away in a few weeks.

In this article, we’ll learn more about early pregnancy breast pain, including what it feels like and what causes it.

During the early stages of pregnancy, many women feel pain in their breasts. It makes the breasts feel sore, tender, and swollen. This pain can be mild or very bad, and it can happen in one or both breasts.

Different Kinds of Breast Pain

There are two kinds of breast pain in the early stages of pregnancy: those that come and go and those that don’t.

  • Cyclical breast pain is caused by changes in hormones and usually happens at the same time each month.
  • On the other hand, non-cyclical breast pain is not related to your period and can be caused by a number of things.

How Long the Pain Lasts and how bad it is

How long and how bad breast pain is in the early stages of pregnancy can vary from woman to woman. Some women only have mild pain that lasts a few days, while others have severe pain that lasts for weeks or even months.

Reasons for Breast Pain in the First Trimester

  • A. Changes in hormones

Most breast pain in the early stages of pregnancy is caused by changes in hormones. When the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body go up, the breast tissue can swell and feel sore. These hormones also help the milk ducts grow so that the baby is ready to nurse.

  • B. Blood flow went up

In early pregnancy, more blood flows to the breast tissue, which can also make the breasts hurt. Because of the extra blood flow, the breasts can feel heavier and more sensitive.

  • C. Changes in the breasts

During the first few months of pregnancy, the breast tissue changes to get ready for breastfeeding. These changes can make the area around the breasts feel sore and tender.

  • D. Development of Milk Pipes

The milk ducts in the breast tissue grow and become more sensitive as the body gets ready for breastfeeding. This can make the breasts hurt and feel sore.

How to Deal with Breast Pain in the First Trimester

A. Self-care and Making Changes to Your Life

Taking care of yourself and making changes to your life can help ease breast pain in the early stages of pregnancy. Some of these are wearing a bra that gives you support, staying away from caffeine, and getting enough sleep.

B. Bras that hold you up

By giving the breasts more support, a supportive bra can help ease breast pain and discomfort. It is best to choose a bra that fits well and doesn’t squeeze or squeeze too tightly on the breasts.

C. Taking medicine

Some over-the-counter painkillers, like acetaminophen, may be safe to use to relieve breast pain during pregnancy. But it’s important to talk to a doctor before taking any kind of medicine while pregnant.

D. When to go to the doctor

Even though breast pain in the early stages of pregnancy is common and normal, it is important to see a doctor if the pain is severe, lasts for a long time, or comes with other symptoms like fever, redness, or discharge from the nipple.

ALSO SEE: How to Increase Breast Size in 7 Days at Home

Frequently Asked Questions

A. Can pain in the breasts be a sign of an miscarriage?

Most of the time, breast pain on its own is not a sign of a miscarriage. But if the breast pain is accompanied by other signs like bleeding or cramping in the uterus, it could be a sign of a miscarriage and you should see a doctor right away.

B. Is it normal for only one breast to hurt in the early stages of pregnancy?

Yes, it is common for one breast to hurt when you are first pregnant. But if the pain is severe or lasts for a long time, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out any problems.

C. How long does early-stage breast pain last?

How long early-pregnancy breast pain lasts varies from woman to woman. Some women only have mild pain that lasts a few days, while others have severe pain that lasts for weeks or even months.

D. If I had breast pain while I was pregnant, can I still breastfeed?

Yes, having breast pain while pregnant doesn’t always mean that a woman will have trouble breastfeeding. But it’s important to see a doctor if the pain lasts for a long time or comes with other signs like a fever or a discharge from the nipple.

E. Can breast pain during pregnancy be a sign of breast cancer?

Most of the time, breast pain on its own is not a sign of breast cancer. But if the pain is accompanied by other signs, like a lump or changes in the skin of the breast, it could be a sign of breast cancer and you should see a doctor right away.

V. The ENd

Breast pain is a common and normal sign of early pregnancy. It is caused by changes in hormones, more blood flow, and changes in the breast tissue. Even though there are things you can do on your own and changes you can make to your lifestyle that can help ease breast pain, it is important to see a doctor if the pain is severe, lasts a long time, or comes with other symptoms.

By knowing what causes early pregnancy breast pain and how it feels, women can better deal with this common and often unpleasant symptom.

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