How to Press Breast to Increase Size [Secret Tips]

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Women’s breasts are an important part of their bodies and a sign of femininity. But many women don’t like the size of their breasts and want to make them bigger.

This has led to the study of different ways to make the breasts bigger, such as breast pressing. This article goes into detail about breast pressing and gives tips for people who want to use it as a natural way to make their breasts bigger.

How to Figure out the Size of Your Breasts

Different things, like genes, hormones, body weight, and age, affect how big your breasts are. How big and round a woman’s breasts are depended a lot on her genes.

The size of your breasts is also affected by hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. The size of a woman’s breasts is also affected by her body weight. Women who are heavier tend to have bigger breasts. Lastly, as you get older, your breasts get less flexible, which makes them smaller.

What is Breast Pressing?

Breast pressing is a way to stimulate blood flow and make the breasts bigger by massaging them. There are different ways to press the breasts, such as in a circle, by kneading, or by stroking. Breast pressing is thought to be a safe and natural way to make your breasts bigger.

Breast pressing has many benefits, such as making your breasts healthier, getting more blood to them, and keeping them from sagging. But there are also risks when you press your breasts. Excessive pressure or improper techniques can cause pain, discomfort, and even tissue damage.

Tips on how to Press Your Breasts to Increase Size

Before you try breast pressing, you should warm up your breasts by taking a warm shower or putting a warm towel on them. This will help to loosen up the breast tissue and make it easier for the massage to work. It is also important to use a good massage oil or cream to prevent friction and make the massage more enjoyable.

The ways you press your breasts should be gentle and not hurt or make you feel bad. You can use circular, kneading, and stroking motions while gradually putting more pressure on the skin.

The length and frequency of the massage will depend on the person, but for best results, you should massage your breasts for 15–20 minutes every day. Also, it’s important to be careful when pressing on the nipples, since too much pressure can cause pain and even damage to the tissues.

More Ways to get Bigger Breasts

Pressing your breasts is not the only way to make them bigger. There are also breast implants, hormone therapy, working out, and eating well. To increase the size of the breasts, silicone or saline implants are put in through surgery. Estrogen is used as part of hormone therapy.

Strengthening the pectoral muscles, which are under the breast tissue, can also help to make the breasts bigger. Push-ups, chest presses, and dumbbell flys are all good exercises that can help you get bigger breasts.

Lastly, eating well can also affect how big your breasts are. Eating soy products, flaxseed, and chickpeas, which are all high in estrogen, can help to make your breasts bigger. Getting enough protein and healthy fats in your diet can also help your breasts grow.

ALSO SEE: Permanently Tighten Sagging Breast in 5 Days


  • A. Is pressing the breasts the only way to make them bigger?

No, there are other ways to help your breasts grow, like breast implants, hormone therapy, exercise, and a healthy diet.

  • B. How long does it take for breast pressing to work?

The length and frequency of the massage will depend on the person, but for best results, you should massage your breasts for 15–20 minutes every day. Results may be different and may not show up for a few weeks.

  • C. Can pressing on the breasts lead to cancer?

There is no proof that pressing on the breasts can cause cancer.

  • D. Can men press their breasts to make them bigger?

Because men don’t have the same hormones as women, pressing on the breasts might not work to make them bigger.

  • E. How often do I have to press my breasts to make them bigger?

For best results, you should massage your breasts for 15–20 minutes every day, but how long and how often you do it will depend on your preferences. It’s important to be careful and not push too hard, because too much pressure can hurt and be uncomfortable.


Pressing your breasts is a natural and safe way to make your breasts bigger. But it’s important to use the right techniques and know the risks that come with too much pressure or the wrong techniques.

There are also other options for people who want to make their breasts bigger, like breast implants, hormone therapy, exercise, and a healthy diet. It’s important to choose the method that will work best for you and talk to a doctor or nurse before trying anything new.

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