Funbact A vs Skineal for ECZEMA TREATMENT (Plus Alternavtives]

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Funbact A vs Skineal for Eczema is a common topic amongst many Nigerians. Needless to say, Skinneal is more active even though it bleaches – simply apply it at night on affected areas for 7 days (a week) and it should be gone. Funbact A works for eczema within 14 days. However, you must stop using either once the eczema is gone unless they will bleach you.

Note: Please stop using skineal after 7 days even if your eczema isn’t gone. That crema is really strong and bleaches more than Funbact A if you abuse it.

I recommend not using either and using a natural remedy instead.

Natural Remedy for Eczema

Use black soap. It might dry your face a little, but it will work

  • Just wash your dface with it and leave it on for some minutes before rinsing
  • Also, try a natural cream like shea butter or vaseline

Note: The local black sopa I’m talking here is the ones sold by ELEWEOMO.

Alternative Remedy for Eczema for Nigerians

Use Nixoderm. The one in a round meta tin. It’s cheap and affordable.

Funbact A vs Skineal

Causes of Eczema

There are many potential causes of such reactions (eczema) and here are a few:

  • A new cream,
  • A perfume, soap,
  • Toothpaste (when noted around the mouth region), etc.

You should be able to pinpoint a potential cause.


Can You Mix Funbact and Skineal?

No! Not only will that bleach you but the mixture of these two antibacterial creams will open you up to cancer. The side effects of mixing skineal and Funbact A is unimaginable.

Can Funbact a Cure Eczema?

Yes, funbact A works against Eczema. You can use it to cure an eczema infection.

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